Monday, 20 March 2017

How To Eliminate Bed Bugs Problem

In recent years, bed bug infestations have become a common issue. Although they were often originally associated with overcrowded and dilapidated housing environments, it’s no longer the case. They have returned and could be found even in the cleanest living accommodations including the finest of hotels and large apartment buildings.

The reasons to how they have returned are not fully understood, but it is believed to be partially due to an increase in travel among people, which includes easy movement of luggage or other articles that may have become infested from the previous travel destination.
Due to changes in environmental regulations, pesticides which were previously used to control these offending insects can no longer being used, which might also be a contributing factor to their resurgence.

Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pest problems to eradicate quickly. Usually, when this is the case, it is more cost- and time-efficient to hire a professional bug exterminator to eliminate the infestation problem and help prevent a re-infestation. The most common habitats of bed bugs would be cracks and crevices including mattress seams, sheets, furniture, behind baseboards, electrical outlet plates, and picture frames.

Bed bugs are flat, reddish-brown, oval insects about 3/16-inch long or the size of an apple seed. Bed bugs appear swollen and reddish after a blood meal. If you observe any bite symptoms, small brown (fecal) spots on bedding, small blood smears on sheets or visually translucent bed bug eggs in your bedroom, it’s time to call us!
With BED BUGS, ETC. you no longer have to share your bed with bugs:

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Controlling Bugs With Bed Bug Extermination

Bed bugs are reddish-brown pests having flat and oval shaped body similar to an apple seed. Bed bugs are filthy pests that hitch a ride and come to your home without an invitation. However, arrivals of bed bugs are very easy but removing them is a very tedious job.
Furthermore, bed bugs feed on human blood. They get swelled up after feeding blood from the human body. They generally attack at night and feed in the exposed body part leaving rashes and itchy skin. 

Bed bugs reproduce at a very fast rate and therefore, can create serious health issues if not removed completely. 

Controlling bed bugs- 

  1. Inspection- Look for signs of bed bugs and make sure the home is infested with bed bugs and not other pests.
  2. Remove all the clutter from the home.
  3. Open all the encasings and wash all the curtains and other clothing.
  4. Discard the mattress and other furniture if they are infested with bed bugs.
  5. Keep all the materials in the sun as bed bugs are prone to the sun and die at high temperatures when exposed to the sun for a long time.
  6. After cleaning, seal all the cracks and other openings to keep the home safe from entering them again.
  7. Also, take help from pest control agencies if the infestation is very large. These agencies have highly trained professionals that will help in a much better way.

Bed bugs are filthy pests and can create a nuisance and hold the power to disrupt healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is advised to take preventive measures at first hand so that you need not get through the entire nuisance and save yourself from the tedious job.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

How To Prevent Potential Harms From Bed Bugs?

The fact that bed bugs are everywhere does not need to be certified. These darned insects are present in your home, public transport, public places, hotel rooms and many other places which you visit often either alone or with your friends and family. Another fact about bed bugs Philadelphia that cannot be denied is that a bed bug bite is devastating. Not only it appears horrible but it may also cause you some serious health concerns.  Hence keeping this pesky pest at a distance becomes essential.  But, how to do that? It is simple to read the article and you will be able to fight against bed bugs Philadelphia:

Check out the telltale signs:

You need to check on the infestation of bed bugs at your home. For this check on your mattresses, pillows, sofa, couches, headboards and almirahs for any bed bug activity. The bed bugs may be present in any of these three stages:

1. Eggs: 1 millimeter long in shape of rice grains.
2. Nymphs: small structure translucent in appearance that takes a reddish tinge after blood sucking.
3. Adults: round, oval-shaped insects, brown in color. They often appear as an apple seed.
You need to perform a deep scan as they are experts in hiding. Once done, as per the results of your scan you need to seek further.

If you do not find any bed bugs, Congratulations! But if there were traces of the pesky pest, beware!! You must contact the professional bed bug exterminators who would examine the situation and offer you a home free from bed bugs.

It is important that you perform a bed bug inspection at home in due intervals to ensure a healthy life through bed bug-free home.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Best Pest Control Services In Philadelphia

Pests are harmful organisms to human beings. They are nowhere a benefit to any person rather they destroy a normal human body with their harmful acts. The environment should be clean and surroundings should not be unhealthy as if they are unhealthy, they can definitely lead to diseases. To be concerned on this matter is one of the important human elements. A necessity of pest control is that it requires a lot of work and resources because expert help is needed at such times. In many parts of the world, people spend a lot of money on the repair of damage caused by termite infestation.Plyboards, wood and paper are consumed by the termites. It is the major cause of destruction in the house as they eat up the material that can be used further. In Philadelphia pest control services are offered at its best. It is very dangerous once pests have burrowed into the wood components at home, they can eat, beams floorings etc. This makes the house weak and vulnerable to collapse. In Philadelphia, the pest control services are offered by experts at the time of need and it is very cost effective. They are highly successful in eliminating the rate of cockroaches and other kinds of pests from homes, offices etc.  Termite infestation is more dangerous at homes which have not been treated since long. Pests should be eliminated from surrounding areas as soon as possible so that they do not create much damage.