Monday 7 March 2016

Bed Bug Identification And Prevention Techniques

I often wondered why I do not get peaceful sleep during the night, and then one fine day I found a little bugger on my sheets and the whole scene was clear. This can be your story true if you have little buggers at your home. Yes, you are right, we are talking about Bed Bugs.
Bed bugs are a common problem of every household. They are found hiding in your beddings and waiting for you to be relaxed and inactive in order to feed upon you. They attack on you during the night when you are most vulnerable.
The target of their bite is exposed body parts of your body like, arms, neck, face or foot. Their bite can be identified as a big red rash or many clustered pimples. Though their bites do not harm humans, but, at times it leads to fever & severe infections. The extent of the infections is as per the human body type.

Bed Bugs Control:
Pest control for bed bugs is easy. You just need to be a little cautious while dealing with these intruders. Below are few tips that will certainly help you make your home bug free:
  • Keep inspecting your beddings, sofas and other cushioned furniture for their presence. Bed bugs are rapid breeders they may become from one to many within no time, hence be cautious.
  • If there are traces of bed bugs at your place immediately isolate that particular furniture. They may transport from one place to another through your clothes, sheets, etc.
  • Wash the beddings or sheets with hot water. Ensure the temperature should be hottest allowed.
  • While coming home from a hotel stay wash your clothes and then place them in the cupboards.
By taking this precautionary care you can make your home bug free. Try them if you catch single bed bug at your place. Have a bug free home!

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